Friday, November 17, 2017

New Reformation Apologetics Ministries

Well here goes nothing lol. I seem to recall myself saying the same thing however many years ago that I began this little blog of mine, I'm going to let it shine, even if it's just for a few willing friends. lol. Really, I'm just trying out my new page, low tech that I am, so I'm going to keep this simple, but just as I started this little blog years ago, a title that came to me just as I was in that half-awake, half-asleep state, Building Spaces Building Bridges, between divergent communities. It had been many sleepless nights as I tossed and turned, wrestling with different issues, plagued because I have this fortunate or unfortunate personality trait of being able to see things from different angles. It's a blessing and a curse, but I found myself both in a place of acceptance, where I came to understand, that there are always going to be emotional issues that divide, in a divided world, but what about creating a little blog where I could both express my own views, but also open up the floor for others to do the same, with the understanding that we may not change each other's minds, but we may be able to dialogue, and hopefully come away with a better understanding of our differences. And hey, maybe even a new friend, that we can be friends, despite our differences. In a world that seems to want to demonize people who see things differently.

And so, years on, back in school and with not a lot of time to blog, unfortunately, I find myself with a similar vision, a new title, a new page, New Reformation Apologetics Ministries. Boy, that's an intimidating title. I'm no Luther, I know there are so many people out there who are much more educated, even people I know and respect, better trained, more knowledgeable, degrees on their degrees. I'm a middle aged mom who felt on my heart in mid-life, a call to a somewhat unorthodox ministry, though I'm very orthodox, in a Christian sense. I debate people online, and if there's one thing I've learned, because it isn't the details of 101 different worldviews that one encounters online that I remember... There's only so much space in my middle aged brain lol, but I can see that they are interpreting and reinterpreting and reinterpreting their interpretations of Jesus and the New Testament, over and over again. And so I have this idea, what about a page where I can focus on bringing people back to the early sources and history, especially of the great monotheistic religions, who claim a common historical root? What is the historical evidence for different faiths? Would people be interested in examining those sources, perhaps having a conversation about this early evidence, early sources of varying religions, etc?

Well, I think maybe so, based on the tens of thousands of people that I see on internet debate sites, enthusiastically expressing and defending their views while calling me colourful names. lol. Good thing I'm no stranger to controversy haha, even in isolation. But seriously, we need to open up this discussion. The old line about all world religions being the same and the assumption that they all have equal outcomes, isn't doing much for the dalits of India, or the women and slaves and homosexuals of Saudi Arabia, is it? We need to open up this discussion, I think, to begin to understand how and why it is that different theological ideas have affected the development of societies around the world. What we believe about God, affects how we view ourselves, others, the environment and so forth. We need to open up this discussion, toward more freedom, not less, I think, in order to be able to move forward in an increasingly complex and globalizing world.

And so, as I give myself the kick in the pants that I seem to need to start a page with that title on the 500 anniversary of the Reformation, New Reformation Apologetics Ministries, because we need to begin to understand why it is that human rights developed out of a biblical worldview, why people in the west often enjoy the highest quality of life, as our historically Judeo-Christian western society is torn apart from without and from within. We need a New Reformation. We need to rediscover our spiritual roots, if the western world that we remember is to survive. Does that mean that I expect everyone to agree with me, no I don't, all I ever ask for is the freedom to speak from my own conviction. I may not be qualified, I may only see a glimpse, but I think I see it. We are not progressing as assumed, we are losing our foundation.

Thanks for listening,

Margaret Harvey


◄ John 15:5 ►

"I am the vine; you are the branches. If you remain in me and I in you, you will bear much fruit; apart from me you can do nothing.


Image result for church foundation

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